Home product Admin Templates Annex – MVC5 Admin & Dashboard Template

Annex – MVC5 Admin & Dashboard Template

Annex is a Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard, It is fully responsive and included awesome features to help build web applications fast and easy. This is design and built-in ASP .Net MVC only. The template is fully responsive, easy to customize, and the code is super easy to understand and gives power to any developer to turn this template into real web application.


  • Built with Bootstrap 4.3.1
  • Vertical & Horizontal Layouts
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • MVC 5 Version
  • Fully Responsive
  • Well Documented
  • Cross-browser Compatible
  • Flot chart, Morris chart, Chartjs, Peity and Knob Charts
  • DataTables
  • Form Wizard
  • Dropzone File Upload
  • X-editable
  • Rating Page
  • Highlight Page
  • Range Slider Page
  • Login, Register, Lock Screen, Invoice, Timeline and Error Pages
  • Google & Vector Maps
  • And much more..
Price FREE

Price is in US dollars. Price displayed includes sales tax.

Phill Author
11 Download

Created 4 June 2020

Last Update 4 June 2020

Version 1.3.6

Download 11

File Size 41.3 MB

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