Home product Admin Templates Slant – Multi Purpose AngularJS Admin Web App

Slant – Multi Purpose AngularJS Admin Web App

Slant Admin is a premium admin dashboard theme built with the Powerful AngularJS framework and Bootstrap. It is specially designed to give your admin panel a unique and elegant look. It is easy to customize and coded in developer friendly manner.

Build using Grunt and Bower with nested views & routing and lazy load features.

It is fully responsive admin dashboard template and is adaptive with any size viewport. It has solid integration of reusable UI components and latest trending plugins. This theme can be used for various types of project applications. Various niche based admin panels for like Music, CRM, Freelancing, Blogging, Ecommerce, University, Hospital, Social Media and General make this template a complete one stop solution for all your needs.

This admin theme has the power of multiple admin themes in one. There are total 9 different admin themes integrated in this one project. They are General Admin, Hospital Admin, University Admin, Music Admin, CRM Admin, Freelance Admin, Blog Admin, Ecommerce Admin, Social Media Admin.

Slant Admin includes many plugins implemented in 300+ separate HTML files. It is designed to be a complete admin panel for any web project.

Slant is built over Grunt & Bower with Lazy Loading, Nested Routing & Views.


  • AngularJS
  • Powerful AngularUI
  • Popular Bootstrap 3
  • Nested routing
  • Nested views
  • Grunt tasks
  • Bower dependency management
  • Lazy loading
  • Many jQuery plugins included
  • Multiple Layout options
  • Beautiful Charts integrated
  • Added Widgets
  • Mailbox
  • Mobile Optimized
  • Fully Responsive
  • Chat API
  • FullCalendar API
  • Angular Count To Plugin
  • Morris Charts API integrated
  • Angular Inview Plugin
  • Angular File Uploader Integrated
  • textAngular Editor Integrated
  • Angular Bootstrap Color Picker
  • Angular Notify Plugin
  • Angular Loading Bar Plugin
  • Angular Bootstrap Date Time Picker
  • Flot Charts API integrated
  • Angular Chart.js integrated
  • Sparkline Graphs integrated
  • Easy Pie Charts integrated
  • Perfect Scrollbar
  • Sortable Angular plugin
  • Rickshaw Charts integrated
  • Nestable Angular Plugin
  • jVectorMap Angular Plugin for Vector Maps
  • Angular Smart Table
  • Angular UI Grid
  • Angular Bootstrap TagsInput
  • Angular Ui Utils
  • Footable
  • Angular Chosen
  • Img Cropper for Angular integrated
  • ocLazyLoad integrated for lazyloading and routing views
  • Angular Slider
  • WYSISYG Editor
Price FREE

Price is in US dollars. Price displayed includes sales tax.

Phill Author
7 Download

Created 4 June 2020

Last Update 4 June 2020

Version 1.3.2

Download 7

File Size 75.4 MB

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