Home product Admin Templates Bootstrap 4 Admin Template – Amun

Bootstrap 4 Admin Template – Amun

Amun is a responsive Bootstrap 3.3.6 Admin Template. It provides you with a vast collection of ready to use code snippets and utilities many custom pages and a collection of applications and widgets


  1. 8 built-in Color Skins And You Can Add Your Own
  2. Light/Dark Sidebar Themes
  3. Free Landing Pages For Your Website
  4. Multiple Layout
  5. Responsive layout
  6. Live Skin Customizer
  7. Loading progress bar
  8. Hundreds of UI Components
  9. Dozens of Widgets
  10. Hundreds of Utility Classes
  11. Font Icons(font-awesome, glyphicons, material design icons)
  12. HTML5 & CSS3 13 .Bootstrap 3.3.6 Framework 14 .Sass for CSS preprocessing (compiled CSS included)
  13. Grunt Tasks Manager
  14. Bower Dependency Management
  15. Clean and Friendly Code


  1. Dashboard
  2. Dashboard 1
  3. Dashboard 2
  4. Dashboard 3
  5. Front End Part (Landing Page)
  6. Layouts
  7. Default
  8. Topbar
  9. UI Kit
  10. Buttons
  11. Alerts
  12. Panels
  13. Lists
  14. cons
  15. Media
  16. Widgets
  17. Tabs Accordions
  18. Progress
  19. Mail Box
  20. Inbox
  21. Compose
  22. Search
  23. Web Results
  24. Images Results
  25. Videos Results
  26. User Results
  27. Pages
  28. Profile
  29. Prices
  30. Invoice
  31. Gallery
  32. Gallery 2
  33. FAQ
  34. Forms
  35. Form Layouts
  36. Form Elements
  37. Customized Elements
  38. Form Plugins
  39. File Upload
  40. DateTime Pickers
  41. Editors
  42. Tables
  43. Basic Tables
  44. DataTables
  45. Flot Charts
  46. Bar charts
  47. Pie charts
  48. Line charts
  49. Map charts
  50. Scatter charts
  51. Custom charts
  52. Maps
  53. Google Maps
  54. Vector Maps
  55. Apps
  56. MailBox App
  57. Calendar App
  58. Contacts App
  59. Tasks Widget
  60. Extras
  61. Login
  62. Sign Up
  63. Reset Password
  64. Unlock Screen
  65. 404 Error
  66. Documentation
  67. Settings
  68. Chart Plugins
  69. Flot (bar, pie, line)
  70. Echarts (bar, pie, line, map, …)
  71. Sparkline
  72. jquery-circle-progress

Useful plugins

  1. animate.css
  2. counterup
  3. DataTables
  4. fullcalendar
  5. select2
  6. jquery-knob
  7. summernote Editor
  8. lightbox2
  9. switchery
  10. dropzone
  11. bootstrap datepicker
  12. bootstrap daterangepicker
  13. bootstrap filestyle
  14. bootstrap maxlength
  15. bootstrap select
  16. bootstrap tagsinput
  17. bootstrap timepicker
  18. bootstrap touchspin
  19. bootstrap datetimepicker


Release v2.0

This is a major update ( new version ) of Infinity. Many changes have been made to core files of the template so if you already have the previous release integrated withe your own code be careful when upgrading to this version

Adding third dashboard
Introducing a free landing page
Adding the functionality for adding/removing themes
Highlighting the open link in the ( menubar )
New look and feel for small devices
Centering navbar-brand for small screens
Showing the name of the fold menu item on hover
Menubar submenus now can be nested to any level
The superfish plugin is removed
Renaming app-aside to menubar
Fixing the scrolling issue in the fold ( menubar )
Fixing the ( topbar ) layout issues for small screens
Fixing many issues and adding more power to the responsiveness
Folding/unfolding the ( menubar ) and change the layout based on the screen size
Readjusting the ( menubar ) when resize and orientationchange events occurs
Adjusting the app-user component based on the current layout and screen size
Refactoring the HTML, SASS and Javascript code to maximize performance and cleanness
Splitting app.scss into two files: core.scss and app.scss
Renaming assets/sass/app-sass/components to Renaming assets/sass/app-sass/ui-components
And many internal code modifications \

  1. Rebuilding the second Dashboard
  2. Rebuilding Buttons Demo Page
  3. Rebuilding Panels Demo Page
Price FREE

Price is in US dollars. Price displayed includes sales tax.

Phill Author
9 Download

Created 8 June 2020

Last Update 8 June 2020

Version 3.0.7

Download 9

File Size 23.3MB

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