From the same team that brought you the best selling Triangular template. This time we have gone 4 better giving you 4 frameworks to choose from, Angular, React, HTML or Sketch!
React or Angular? Why not both? Portal comes in both flavours so you can try them all.
What about HTML? Not a fan of frameworks? No problem let’s keep it vanilla and use only HTML and JavaScript!
Angular Version
We took everything we learnt creating our best selling Triangular AngularJS template and combined it together to create the new Portal Angular 5 admin template.
- Built with Google’s Angular CLI
- Uses Google’s Angular Material 2
- Super Stylish Dashboard
- 6 amazing layouts
- Uses Angluar Flex for layouts
- RTL Supported
- 7 Example Apps
- 30+ Elements Pages
- Authentication Pages
- Error Pages
- 9 Fantastic Built in Themes
- Follows Google’s Recommended Code Practices
- Lazy Loading Modules
- Fully Translatable
- Unlimited Theme Options
- AOT Compiler Support
- RxJS Examples
- Chart.JS Widgets
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Beautifully Coded
- Lifetime Updates (more apps and pages to come)
React Version
- Built with Facebook’s Create React App
- Uses Latest Material UI Components
- Super Stylish Dashboard
- 6 amazing layouts
- RTL Supported
- 2 Example Apps
- 15+ Elements Pages
- 9 Fantastic Built in Themes
- SASS stylesheets
- Follows Airbnb React/JSX Style Guide
- Lazy Loading Pages
- Unlimited Theme Options
- Uses Redux State Management
- Chart.JS Widgets
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Beautifully Coded
- Lifetime Updates (more apps and pages to come)
HTML Version
- Built with Google’s Material Components for the Web
- Super Stylish Dashboard
- 6 amazing layouts
- RTL Supported
- 2 Example Apps
- 15+ Elements Pages
- Error Pages
- Authentication Pages
- 9 Fantastic Built in Themes
- Only uses Vanilla JavaScript
- Dependency Free
- Unlimited Theme Options
- Chart.JS Widgets
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Beautifully Coded
- Lifetime Updates (more apps and pages to come)