Home product Admin Templates StackDash – Bootstrap 4 SAAS Admin Dashboard Theme

StackDash – Bootstrap 4 SAAS Admin Dashboard Theme

StackDash the complete Admin Dashboard theme with multiple dashboards, applications & pages. Having a beautiful corporate design StackDash is suitable for all CRMSAAS or any other corporate/enterprise apps.

This premium crm bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template is designed and coded by the Frontted experts.

##Template Features:

  • Included all of Bootstrap 4.4.1 components
  • 4x Dashboards
  • 4+ Layout Variations
  • RTL – Right-To-Left Support
  • 4+ Application Interfaces
  • Customized, unique Charts
  • Kanban Trello (drag & drop), Projects, Chat, Email & Calendar Apps
  • 15+ stats card variants
  • 5+ list card variants
  • Forms
  • Validation
  • Search
  • Group
  • Rounded
  • Flush
  • Toggle
  • Date pickers
  • Input Masking
  • WYSIWYG editor
  • File Uploads with drag and drop *Select2 Plugin *Range Sliders
  • and more!
  • Navbar with buttons, menu, forms, avatars, and more!
  • Light/Dark Sidebar & Navbar Styles
  • Material Design & Font Awesome Icons
  • Calendar App with drag & drop events
  • Functional listing search with list.js
  • Extended/Customized Vector Maps
Price FREE

Price is in US dollars. Price displayed includes sales tax.

Phill Author
10 Download

Created 4 June 2020

Last Update 4 June 2020

Version 1.2.5

Download 10

File Size 20.4 MB

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