Home product Admin Templates Stacked – Bootstrap 4 Angular Admin Template

Stacked – Bootstrap 4 Angular Admin Template

Stacked is a beautiful and creative bootstrap admin template built for Angular 6+. It comes out of the box with support for angular-cli, bootstrap 4(ng-bootstrap), typescript and angular 6+.

With the available theme mixins and SCSS variables you can customize the layout, color schemes and fonts to scaffold out your own theme to suit your specific needs.

Stacked is an angular-cli theme and is written in Typescript(.ts), SCSS and HTML. Prerequisite knowledge of these is required.

With a purchase of this template you get all you need to start working on your SAAS, CRM, CMS or dashboard based project.

Once you’ve purchased please consider giving a 5 star rating, it helps in pushing out more updates and adding a lot more features.

Price FREE

Price is in US dollars. Price displayed includes sales tax.

Phill Author
9 Download

Created 7 June 2020

Last Update 7 June 2020

Version 2.5.7

Download 9

File Size 17.1 MB

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