This portfolio/shop template is a perfectly responsive and retina-ready HTML5 website with tiled grid system layout. It is optimized for mobile touch and swipe.
- Based on Twitter Bootstrop
- Valid HTML5 / CSS3 pages
- Perfectly responsive
- Retina-ReadySukces is a powerful Personal Resume CV HTML5 / CSS3 Template for everyone. It is based on Bootstrap 3 framework which make it really powerfull beast. Thanks to responsive design it is going to look and work awesome on any device! Becouse of SASS pre-processor it is super easy to customize and gives us unlimited possibilities.
- Beautiful Design & effects
- Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 template
- Perfect as one page personal website.
- 10 Demo versions!
- Video Background
- Slideshow Background
- RTL Support
- 8 Color Schemes
- Serif & Sans Serif versions
- Made with SASS
- Effective Components
- Awesome Documentation
- Blog included
- Working Contact Form
- Retina ready
- Easy to setup
- Lots of useful components
- Based on Bootstrap 3 – all common elements are styled
- Ajax Portfolio
- Pricing Tables
- W3C Valid Code
- Google Web Font
- Google Map Support
- 600+ Icons
- Dedicated Support
- FREE updates are coming! Tell us what you’d like to get!
Credits Some of images cannot be included in download package, and have been blurred for licensing reasons.
- Cross browser compatible & tested in IE 9,10,11; Firefox; Safari; Chrome and Opera.
- Well formatted and commented, so it should be easy to adapt and extend
- Working ajax contact form with validation and working PHP mailer script
- Working PHP Twitter Feed
- Retina-Ready Icons from demo plus additional ones (about 70) are included and more can be purchased
- Documentation included
The Logo and all images are not included, but can be purchased. I will send you the links by email upon request.