Home product Plugins W8 Contact Form – WordPress Contact Form Plugin

W8 Contact Form – WordPress Contact Form Plugin

W8 Contact Form for WordPress is one of the most flexible Contact Form plugin with multiple recipients, unlimited forms, different styles, animations, auto reply option and huge variety of additional customization options. Provides embed and floating, sliding methods to attract the visitors

WordPress Plugin made by Envato Elite Author


Ensures a professional system to get in touch with your customers easily. You can highly customize the entire form with optional image, description and social links. Also possible to send different auto-reply message for each recipients or set it globally. The plugins grants, you will never lose any messages, just turn the logging option to on and the emails will be saved, then you can read them directly on your WordPress admin area.

Styles and Skins

Provides different skins and styles combinations. The styles are mostly color schemes and you can choose it separately with unique skins. The default is the sliding or floating view, but it can be embed to any page to get a flat type form. The flat type also customized by the predefined styles and skins. Additional style and skin customization is possible via editing the CSS file of the plugin.

Unlimited Recipients and Contacts with Social Icons

Create as many recipients as you wish in the W8 Contact Form. Each one has it’s own fields, social icons and image, in addition you can specify individual auto-reply message. Social Icons can be linked to Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Skype, Tumblr, Flickr and Foursquare. It is possible to set the status of any of the recipients to active or passive, therefore you don’t have to delete when it is not available for short period. (for example: vacation)

Various Captcha Modes

Offers 4 different captcha modes, including the disabled mode. In this case you won’t see any captcha on the form. The plugin works with AJAX, therefore the spam bots can’t submit the form easily. It can be also works well with disabled captcha mode, but if you need any further security, simply enable one of the three unique captchas. The Math Captcha add a simple calculation task to the sliding contact form via jQuery. It is a popular captcha mode, because the robots can’t fill it with the correct result. With Image Captcha mode, the plugin generates a random image with numbers and the visitor has to fill out a field with the correct numbers. This solution is handled by on the server side with PHP, therefore it is almost impossible to manipulate. Hidden Field Captcha is a new solution based on the spam robots logic. These robots try to fill out all input fields on the website. The plugin add a hidden empty field in this mode then check the value during the form submit. If the field still empty, the form will be successfully sent otherwise the process will be terminated.

Price FREE

Price is in US dollars. Price displayed includes sales tax.

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