STWooSwatches – WooCommerce Product Attribute Swatches
The most advanced WooCommerce Swatch extension for product attributes ( supports custom attributes too ) that adds three types ( Color, Image, and Label or Text ) of product attribute display types with WooCommerce default product attribute display type. And it converts product attribute dropdown in single product template into swatch or swatches.
You can display product attribute swatch or swatches in WooCommerce Shop page, Product archive pages, Cart page, Users’ order item page, and Email template too.
STWooSwatches extension easily allows you to add a new term to product attribute ( color, image or label swatch ) in data tab while editing a product.
- Settings available in WordPress default customizer
- Three Swatch types – Color, Image and Label type
- Allowed Swatch sizes – Tiny, Small, Medium, Large
- Supported Swatch shapes – Circle, Square and Rounded Square
- Swatch Position – After Product Title, Before Product Title or Use Shortcode
- Global settings for WooCommerce Product Category display settings
- Global Swatch or Swatches settings for WooCommerce Cart and Checkout page display settings
- Enable Tooltip
- Option for Tooltip background color
- Option for Tooltip text color
- Live Preview for all options or settings
- Customize swatch Border color
- Customize activate swatch Border color
- Swatches in
- Shop ( Product Catalog ) and Product Archive page
- Cart and Checkout
- Order Item Meta
- Email Template too
- Compatible with WPML