Home product Admin Templates Xadmino – Admin & Dashboard Template

Xadmino – Admin & Dashboard Template

Xadmino is a bootstrap based fully responsive admin template. It comes with lots of reusable and beautiful UI elements, widgets and features. It allows developer to easily build a super awesome web application.


  • Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
  • Bootstrap 3.3.7
  • Clean and Flat design
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • LESS Support
  • Login, register, error pages
  • Calendar view
  • Form validation
  • Invoice with ready print button
  • Directory List page
  • Google maps
  • Drop zone file upload
  • Summernote Editor
  • 4+ Charts Library
  • Invoice page
  • Datatables
  • Error pages included
Price FREE

Price is in US dollars. Price displayed includes sales tax.

Phill Author
9 Download

Created 7 June 2020

Last Update 7 June 2020

Version 2.3.1

Download 9

File Size 12.1 MB

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