Do you want to make a separate RSS feed for each category in WordPress? Categories allow you to easily sort your content into major sections. Adding category RSS feeds can help your users …
Do you want to perform an SEO audit of your WordPress website so you can improve your search engine rankings and get more traffic? Search engine optimization can be tricky if you don’t …
Are you looking for the best user management plugins for WordPress? User management plugins let you more easily register, edit, and manage users on your WordPress website. In this article, we’ll share our …
Do you want to tweet your newly published blog posts automatically? Facebook is one of the best platforms to let your followers know whenever you publish a new post in WordPress. By tweeting …
Do you want to set a word count for your WordPress blog posts? If you have multiple authors on your site, then setting up a minimum word count can help ensure that writers …
Do you want to create a paid newsletter in WordPress instead of using Substack? Paid newsletters are an incredibly popular way to make money online from your email subscribers, but using a platform …
Wondering what types of websites you can create with WordPress? We are often asked by beginners about what kind of websites they can make using WordPress. Our short answer is ‘almost any type …
Would you like to get email notifications when authors submit posts for review on your WordPress site? Managing multiple writers in a WordPress blog can be hectic. If you have a multi-author blog, …
Do you want your blog posts to be automatically posted to Facebook from your WordPress site? Facebook is one of the largest social media sites in the world with more than 2 billion …
Are you looking for a reporting plugin for your WooCommerce store? A reporting and analytics plugin for WooCommerce will help you track your online store’s performance and also give you key insights to …